Bloomberg Tier-1 solar panels list: 8 Points of critical failure
Updated: Apr 4, 2020

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A TIER-1 SOLAR PANEL. It’s the first point which must be established. This is the most misused term in the solar industry. If you like the sound of the term Tier-1, glossy datasheets promising the world with unproven warranties and stories of fluff, stop reading. Before seeing the images of critical failure in cheap, so-called “Tier-1 solar panels” understand this, Tier-1 solar panels do not exist. Ask anyone with respectable knowledge in the industry and they will tell you the same. In a bid to keep it simple, see below.
Proof that Tier-1 is no gauge for quality. The fact is, Tier-1 is a term low-end market sellers exploit to give the buyer a feeling of confidence in a cheap product. In most instances, beneath the surface is an under performing electrical mess, despite the bankability of a certain manufacturer in a nominated quarter. Industry experts suggest “be the savvy shopper” and always seek BEYOND TIER-1.
The images below from deemed Tier-1 manufacturers are less than 1% of catastrophic solar panel failures system owners have endured from 2015 to 2018. Expel the myth that Tier-1 is a quality guideline. Exposed are the avoidable results of inferior product selection.

1. Micro Cracks.
Micro cracks are stress or pressure induced cracks in the silicon solar cells of solar panels. These cracks can’t often be seen by the naked eye, only with specific testing methods. Micro cracks are the route cause for so many solar panel malfunctions or inactive cells in solar modules. Review micro cracks in detail: MORE Images, 3 main causes, the devastating side-effects and the ultimate prevention of cell fractures in a dedicated Solar Review feature: Solar Panel Micro Cracks Exposed! >

2. Hot Spot.
Hot spots are localised temperature rises within the solar panel causing devastating effects to the efficiency and degradation of a solar module. If you see these on your solar panel immediately get in touch with your installer. Hot spots are not stable and will eventually cause catastrophic failure. Next-level hot spot: Heart breaking images, what causes hot spot? The destructive side-effects you will never believe and the ultimate prevention in a dedicated Solar Review feature: Solar Panel Hot Spot Exposed! >

3. Fire.
An extreme potential hazard which exists with solar energy production, especially when on the roof of a family home. Solar panel fires are not as common as micro-cracks or hot spot, but are more of an evolved state from underlying defects, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Want more? View the images you were not meant to see, what causes FIRE within a solar system? and the number 1 thing you can do to prevent fire and increase system performance at the same time: Solar Panel Fires Exposed! >

4. Delamination
Delamination is a serious issue as it allows moisture to penetrate the internal electrical components which in turn will cause a catastrophic failure, requiring replacement. As depicted manufacturer deemed Tier-1 solar panels are no stranger to this problem, comprised of low-quality materials and cheaper construction methods in order to achieve the mass volumes required for Tier-1 qualification. A result which Influences negative connotations towards solar energy when things go wrong. Solar panel delamination exposed! What causes solar panel delamination? and what you can do to prevent internal corruption of your solar panels: Solar Panel Delamination Exposed! >

5. Shattering All solar panels must have a degree of resistance to elements which can influence shattering. This will however vary from manufacturer to manufacturer as the material qualification (glass selection) and construction processes vary dramatically. The main cause of shatter are varied between environment, construction and installation. Discover the seemingly innocent maintenance procedure which can cause solar panel shatter. Plus what you can do to prevent your solar panels from shattering: Solar Panel Shattering Exposed! >

6. Ingress When moisture penetrates the the protective layers of the solar module and makes contact within the internal electrical circuit. Severely expediting the degradation of the panel and eventually leading to catastrophic failure of the panel and entire solar system. Ingress is mainly caused by a low-quality production line and inferior material qualification.
Corrosive destruction, mechanical distortion and critical system failure. Discover the causes and how to prevent solar panel ingress from occuring in your solar panels: Solar Panel Ingress Exposed! >

7. Deformation Deformation in it’s most severe form is likely to be caused by a combination of the detrimental effects listed within the previous 6 categories or as a result of inadequate strengthening properties within the solar panel. There are though, two main areas where the affects of solar panel deformation is prominent: The centre of the panel where slumping towards the roof is prominent and the outer frame region.

8. Discolouration
Proof that Tier-1 is no gauge for quality. The fact is, Tier-1 is a term low-end market sellers exploit to give the buyer a feeling of confidence in a cheap product. In most instances, beneath the surface is an underperforming electrical mess, despite the bankability of a certain manufacturer in a nominated quarter. Industry experts suggest “be the savvy shopper” and always seek BEYOND TIER-1.m it’s original state which will inevitably lead to material breakdown.
More than just a visually displeasing failure, discover the true ramifications of solar panel discolouration: Solar Panel Discolouration Exposed! >
Helpful insight.
You’ve seen the marketing with the words Tier-1 solar panels, High-Efficiency, 25-year warranty. This means absolutely nothing of value to the savvy shopper. Any solar business which stresses such feature is playing on your lack of knowledge and actually has no real positives about the product in a modern sense. Reading between the lines what should be interpreted is; cheap, outdated-technology, prone to critical failures with a sub-standard 10-year product warranty.
More than you initially outlay. Warranties in most Tier-1 instances provide painstakingly limited protection without recourse for monetary losses during the time it takes to activate the warranty claim. With critical failures now more common than what would be perceived, the right product selection from the start is vital. High-efficiency tier-1 solar panels sound great but that’s about as good as it gets. Understand that to develop high-efficiency, robust, industry-leading solar panels takes a refined process which costs money and a calibre of integrity which exists beyond the manufacturer deemed Tier-1 solar panel norm.
An impressive product stands on its own without the overexcited phrase Tier-1, due to notable advanced qualities. Features that are patented and impossible for the old technology of the world to compete. Therefore the inferior tend to exploit the term Tier-1 solar. Equally overused in the solar industry is the term High-Efficiency. The Tier-1 solar average is in fact 25% less efficient than the most efficient solar panels available.
Select solar panels based on higher performance per cell quantity (total panel wattage) and superior build quality (often defined by superior product warranty). Supporting awards and accolades by recognised industry bodies is also essential. Tier-1 solar panels is the easy-to-believe, lacklustre industry term extorted by low-end marketers, usually sprucing a price which appears too good to be true. The sad part is these unscrupulous companies exploit your little knowledge on an often confusing purchase in a sea full of competition trying to win your business.
What do you think?
What’s important to you? No doubt cost plays an important roll in the selection process, however, is mediocrity acceptable? What other gauge for quality can be deemed a bench mark beyond Tier-1 solar labeling? Tell the world below!